29.2 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two cops hurt as suspect resists

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Two officers of the Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigative and Detection Unit were injured over the weekend in Quezon City after attempting to serve a warrant of arrest to a man charged with violating provisions of Republic Act 9262 or the Violence Against Women and Children Act.   

The officers, SPO1 Luisito Ubias and PO2 Mario Morales, were attacked by Rovic Canono after the former introduced themselves as law enforcers, informed Canono of the warrant issued for his arrest, and had advised him of his right to contact legal counsel.   

According to an affidavit issued by Ubias and Morales, members of the PNP-CIDU showed their identification cards and requested Canono to surrender peacefully and to contact his lawyer. Instead of doing so, Canono attacked the police serving the warrant, leaving the arresting officers with bruises and wounds.   

Canono had previously made a motion for the court to stop his arraignment and set aside the charges against him, but the court rejected his motion for lack of merit and ordered his arrest.   

Canono has been charged by his estranged wife for violating Sections 5(h) and 5(i) of the VAWC law. Section 5(h) includes, but is not limited to, the following acts: stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private places; peering in the window or lingering outside the residence of the woman or her child; entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of the woman or her child against her will; and engaging in any form of harassment or violence.   

Section 5(i) of the VAWC law, on the other hand, makes it a crime to cause mental or emotional anguish to a woman or child, including but not limited to repeated verbal and emotional abuse and denial of financial support or custody of minor children of access to the woman’s children.   

If found guilty, Canono could face between six to 12 years in prison.   

Aside from the charges filed by his wife, Canono now faces additional charges for resisting arrest, as the officers he attacked have filed a complaint accusing Canono of direct assault and resistance, and disobedience to persons in authority.


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