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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Pamper your ‘Lolas’ with Ricky Reyes’ ‘Ganda ng Lola Mo’

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Today’s grandmothers have leveled up, so to speak. For one, they no longer want to be called “Lola,” preferring hip terms of endearment such as Mamita, Mommylu, Mimay and the likes.

It goes without saying that they are now just as conscious of their looks as their millennial grandkids. They definitely want to look youthful despite their real age.

So, how do today’s grandmas maintain their timeless charm?

The answer lies on the expertise of beauty specialists who help them shoo away the effects of time. Enter beloved beauty guru Ricky Reyes.

In 2003, Reyes launched his “Ganda ng Lola Mo” campaign, tapping screen and entertainment veterans Gloria Romero, Pilita Corrales, and Barbara Perez to represent the grace and attractiveness inherent in all grandmothers throughout the Philippines. They were all paragons of glamour during their time, and the years have not challenged their gorgeousness. It was an acknowledgement that being pretty knows no age.

Dashing Mamitas Gloria Romero (top) and Pilita Corales trust the deft hands of Gandang Ricky Reyes specialists to maintain their looks

It was also a signal for many women that if these celebrities could look this good at this point in their careers, with Reyes’s magic touch, other seniors can surely benefit from it, too.

Mother Ricky points out a few elements for our dashing Lolas to help maintain their youthful looks. For one, taking a brisk daily walk of two or three miles can help erase years from the figure and chin line. “If you can’t do exercise, treat yourselves to a frequent facial to stimulate your skin”, he advises.

 “Our skin tone changes as we age so choose a powder that most suit your skin tone for a more natural look. Light powders makes one look older”, he stresses. “More importantly, always remember the formula that as our age adds up, we have to subtract our hairlines to make us look younger”.

More beauty tips for gorgeous “Mimays” include sleeping for not less than eight hours a day. Lack of it leads to drying of skin, making it saggy. Our skin will look more supple and attractive with regular use of moisturizer, especially at night before going to bed. Fruits and veggies do wonder to our body so eat more of it for the heart and skin’s sake. More importantly, according to Reyes, is to love your self. “Remember that growing old is a privilege denied to many, so be happy!” he stressed.

The “Ganda ng Lola Mo” campaign proved to be such a successful venture that the term became a byword for beauty. In every street corner or salon, up and down the halls of society, it became a term of endearment to show one’s appreciation of someone’s inner glow.

That is the vision of Ricky Reyes. Women of all ages, from teenagers to mothers, and even their grandmothers, once you enter the doors of any Gandang Ricky Reyes studio, the deft touch of its beauty specialists will surely highlight your loveliness.

And when you step out its doors, just wait for the comments to come to you: “Ganda ng lola ko!”


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