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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Caloocan relaunches drive vs dengue

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The local government of Caloocan has launched anew a citywide campaign against waste to eradicate the breeding grounds of dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

ANTI-DENGUE. Caloocan City Mayor Oscar Malapitan and the city’s Health department launch an intensified  campaign to rid  all communities of  trash and garbage pile which are known breeding ground of dengue-causing  mosquitoes. Andrew Rabulan

Mayor Oscar Malapitan ordered the three-day campaign, dubbed Oplan Clean Agad, in each of the city’s 16 zones. The campaign covers: Day 1, information dissemination through door-to-door flyer distribution and village-level lectures on dengue prevention; Day 2, cleanup proper wherein declogging of waterways like creeks and canals; emptying of cans, bottles and other receptacles of stagnant water, removal of trash and clutters; and Day 3, fogging, misting and larvaecidal treatment of canals and drainage to eliminate breeding grounds of mosquitoes.

The first cluster comprising of Zone 13 Barangays 142 to 155 eliminates waste from Friday to Sunday; the second, Zone 12 (Barangays 132-141) on Aug. 12 to 14; and the third cluster Barangays 178 on Aug. 19 to 21.

Malapitan said these zones where identified as prone areas for dengue-carrying mosquitoes. “Prevention is better than cure,” he said.

Malapitan added that the months of June to August register high incidence of dengue cases due to frequent rains. 

The mayor believed that government funds will be better spent if the disease is prevented.

The Caloocan Health Department and its Environmental Sanitation Services regularly raise dengue awareness and promote clean environment.


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