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Sunday, June 16, 2024

FedEx and PDRF team up to deliver relief aid

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FedEx has a long history of providing charitable assistance to local communities in times of crisis. As a proof, FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp., in cooperation with 2GO, teamed up with the Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF) to deliver truckloads of relief goods to communities affected by natural calamities in the country.

The delivery, containing donations from Accenture Inc. and Philex Mining Corporation, will benefit at least 100 families in Barangays Villa Flor and Conception in Isabela, Cagayan Valley. These farmers were recently affected by extreme weather changes that destroyed crops and affected their livelihood. FedEx provided logistics support to deliver sacks of rice, assorted noodles, canned goods, and other necessities to the affected families.

FedEx Express delivered donations to local communities affected by extreme weather changes

“We recognize the need for a proactive, multi-stakeholder approach to disaster management. By providing donors and non-profit organizations with what we do best—logistics support—we do our share in disaster relief and recovery efforts to help communities affected by these events,” said John Peterson, FedEx Express acting Managing Director for the Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei.

Disaster readiness, relief and recovery are critical components of the FedEx humanitarian culture and values. FedEx team members exemplify the spirit of philanthropy and volunteerism by seizing opportunities that lessen the impact of natural disasters to far-flung communities in the country.


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