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Monday, June 3, 2024

Back to school baon items for your kids from Daiso Japan

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Kids are very picky with food and often they would rather eat fast food or what is available in their school canteen than the one mommy made for them. The key to making sure that they choose their baon over other junk food available in school is making sure that it catches their fancy and they find it not only delicious but something that they’re proud of every time they open their snack pack. 

Plan for your kid’s daily lunch and snack items and make sure you pack it up with nutritious food items that they love to eat. We’ve seen those cute Pinterest pins for Japanese baon packs and it might be best to get some of these creative ideas when preparing your kid’s baon. 

Bear cutlery and plate

Aside from cute shapes and colorful preparations of food, cutleries, lunch boxes and food containers play a huge role in making kids excited to open their baon bag. For back-to-school baon items, Daiso Japan might be your best place to visit for those kawaii items that will make your kid’s baon stand out in school. Here are some of the colorful items that children might just love to bring as lunch boxes, or things that might be used to creatively prepare your kid’s baon:

1. Toast Deco Stamp – Kids love sandwiches but the last thing they’d want to open in school are sad looking slices of bread with a bland filling. You can brighten things up by creating cute sandwiches with different shape stamps on bread slices before putting the bread in the oven. Kids would love it if you assign a different stamp shape each day with different filling for the bread, be it ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly or chicken spread. 

 Toast Deco Stamp

2. Colorful food containers – A colorful lunch box is as enticing as its creative content and can stimulate any kid’s appetite. Daiso Japan offers a variety of colorful containers with different prints and cut in different shapes. Good thing with Daiso is it’s not costly, so you can choose as many as you want so you can assign colors in different days. Your kid can even choose the container so it is fun for him. There are also available three-piece cutleries in different prints and colors that can go with the containers. 

Colorful food containers

3. Different-shaped egg molders – Sometimes, even adults are tempted with food shaped in cute animal forms. Instagrammable right? These animal-shaped boiled egg molders will definitely make even your kid’s classmate look over their baon box. You can make it an element of surprise every time they open their baon. It can be a bunny today, a bear tomorrow, or a car the next day. 

Different-shaped egg molders

4. Bento box – A bento box offers a full range meal for kids. Rice can be mixed with fish, chicken, beef or vegetables; it also comes in handy especially for food items with sauces. Partitions can have other food items like dessert and fruits. Daiso Japan has a range of bento boxes that you can choose from; again you can have your kids choose the design. 

Bento box

5. Sauce bottles – It can be messy trying to add sauce or dressing to your kids’ favorite meal. Sometimes they’d rather not open it as it might cause such a mess in school. Get these saucy items in nicely sealed containers that kids would love to bring to school. The store provides animal-capped sauce containers; they even have a cute fish-shaped soy sauce container. We’re sure even adults would love to put this in their office lunch box. 

Sauce bottles

6. Insulated lunch totes and thermal bags – Food that is cold is sometimes worse than food that is bland. To keep the food fresh and still hot by recess or lunchtime, make sure you put their baon in a good insulated or thermal bag to maintain the food temperature. You can also add in a refrigerant pad for added freshness for longer periods. 

Insulated lunch totes 

7. Cooling tumblers with cooling stick – Instead of buying preservative-filled bottles and tetra packs of juices, make freshly squeezed fruit blends for them and keep these in colorful tumblers that can keep the beverage cold. Daiso Japan has Cooling Tumblers with cooling stick that keeps drinks ice-cold without watering them down. 

Cooling tumblers with cooling stick 

Daiso Japan can be a mommy’s haven, and kids and kids-at-heart will definitely want to buy cute items to use for their lunch boxes. The choices are endless in the store. For other great ideas for the kitchen and at home, visit Daiso Japan stores which has 53 locations nationwide through Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. 

Daiso Japan, the only authorized and exclusive retailer of Daiso Industries Ltd. Japan that sells clever, useful and cute items priced from P88. To know more about Daiso Japan Philippines, follow them on Facebook at @DaisoJapanPH on Twitter and @daisophilippines on Instagram.  


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