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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Up the fitness ante with Milo Nutri Up Fitcon

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Photos by Star Sabroso

Close to 40 biggest names in fitness joined the first ever Milo Nutri Up Fitcon at the Globe Circuit Event Grounds in Makati last April 16. Aimed at inspiring and promoting an active community of grown-ups to up their fitness game, the whole day fitness convention spearheaded by Milo encouraged participants to discover new ways to stay fit and get into an active and healthy lifestyle.

Milo Nutri Up Fitcon gave adults the opportunity to try the latest trends in fitness all in one venue

According to Robbie de Vera, Sports marketing executive of Milo Philippines, active living is important for Filipinos today who are becoming more conscious of their health and are constantly looking for more ways to get fit. Introducing the Milo Nutri Up and holding the first ever Milo Nutri Up Fitcon gave adults the opportunity to be aware of and try the latest trends in fitness all in one venue.

Erwan Huessaff led the Primal Ape Crossfit in an exhibition

The whole day fitness convention involved a jam-packed schedule with non-stop fitness classes of the latest workout trends such as Crossfit, HIIT, MMA, Yoga, Zumba, BodyJam, BodyCombat, and lessons on the latest in fitness from experts. The participants also enjoyed their exclusive discounts from different fitness brands such as Skechers Performance, Umbro and Under Armour, while others danced the night away in a workout party with music by DJ Ace Ramos.

The #fitspiration siblings Solenn and Erwan Huessaff were also present at the Fitcon as well as renowned fitness coaches Jim and Toni Saret, with all four participating in the activities. Solenn joined the yoga session led by Beyond Yoga while Erwan led the Primal Ape Crossfit in an exhibition. Meanwhile, coaches Jim and Toni Saret led various workouts throughout the day.

Solenn Huessaff joined the yoga session during the Fitcon led by Beyond Yoga 

Up Your Skills, Up Your Knowledge, Up Your Nutrition and Up Your Lifestyle were the four major areas stressed in the fitness convention which helped participants elevate their fitness game. 

“The Milo Nutri Up Fitcon aimed to connect the participants to various fitness organizations so that they can discover and learn from the experts and become part of the growing fitness community in the Philippines,” shared de Vera. “It also challenged adults to aim for more active and healthier lifestyle and become champions in their own right now that the game has gotten bigger.”

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