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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The FIT traveler

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I’ve always wondered why, when people come home from a week or a month of traveling, it is apparent that they did so because of one thing: they gained weight. Whether it is five or 10 pounds, we pack some weight up when we are away and blame the flight home for that “airplane bloat.” But several hours or days later, the pudginess is still there and we have no one to blame but ourselves. 

It’s not just the weight gain; sometimes, being on vacation also means time away from our gyms and/or trainers which means we’ve got hell to pay when we get back – and getting back to the groove after a hiatus may just be harder than squatting twice your weight over your head.

One might wonder if its possible to keep fit and/or not pack on the pounds when traveling. And I say yes, of course! Those who have traveled with me know that despite my ginormous appetite and love for discovering new places to eat in, I refuse to come home from a trip half a size bigger or out of breath on my next workout. 

Make your friends join you in your incidental workouts and explore the place on foot or bikes. Keeping fit while sightseeing makes you hit two birds with one stone

It being the season for traveling, I compiled a list to guide you on how you can travel, yet still manage to keep yourself or your jeans fit. 

Walk, walk and walk. I am notorious for making my friends walk with me everywhere. I love walking and I believe that the best way to explore any place is by foot. Check out your surroundings while burning calories and seeing sights. Two for one, right?

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Watch what you eat. Despite the temptation to be adventurous with the cultural delicacies the country you’re visiting, keep in mind that a moment on your lips will still be hard to remove on your hips. That being said, try to still avoid food that are fried or are just too unhealthy to begin with. Be mindful of everything that you order and be smart about it.

Indulge if you must but moderation is still key. Just take one bite of anything too sweet or unhealthy just so you don't deprive yourself 

Skip the fast food. It’s sometimes fun to check out the international franchises of our favorite fast food chains because they always have something different to offer depending on the country. But the bottom line is, it’s still fast food, and if you don’t or hardly eat it when in Manila, why are you eating it elsewhere? The caloric and nutritional content of the food will be the same anyway.

Take flight. Use the stairs as much as possible when going up your hotel room, when walking around malls, going up towers and what not. It’s additional cardio and your body will thank you for it. It won’t just burn that extra mashed potato you ordered, it also won’t make you feel too winded when you get back into your gym.

Make use of the hotel gym. Most hotels come with fancy gyms that most people don’t make use of. I say wake up an extra hour early and try it out! Group classes are usually offered as well and I think joining these may still be part of your cultural experience. Always remember that starting your day with a workout will give you more energy to see the sights in your trip after.

Discover more places and get lost (not literally) on foot. Keep a pedometer if you must, and see how many steps you can achieve in a day of exploring

Put your sneaks on and go. If you don’t have a nice gym where you’re staying, then turn the neighborhood into one. Run around the block, use the bench for tricep dips and step ups. Use the park swing to help your stretches. Be creative in your workouts and just move!

Don’t overindulge yourself. Sometimes you can’t help not watch what you’re eating and you choose to indulge. If and when you do so, just do it moderately. A bite of the special fried strawberry Nutella mango Oreo cheesecake would be better than eating the whole slice.

Don’t drink the calories. Skip the sodas, iced teas and juices. And if you must go out and party, stick to a simple vodka on the rocks instead of adding any fancy schmancy liquid to mask the taste or any sweet cocktail.

Riding a bike to explore the place you travelled to is a sure way to keep you fit while still enjoying the sights while on vacation

Pre-plan some workouts. Try to plan your workouts ahead of your trip by researching the nearest gyms or yoga studios in the area. Sneak in a session or two just so you won’t get into a rut while you’re in a different city.

Pack a jump rope. A very light weight and portable accessory, a jump rope is so easy to take along with you for some light and easy workout you can do in the confines of you hotel or Airbnb room. Add in some core exercises while you’re at it to make it more of a complete workout.

So you see, its all about the combination of a proper workout + eating plan even when you’re away. Travelling mustn’t always equate to weight gain. I’ve always been known for being able to maintain my fitness and weight when I’m away. No matter how much food I put in my mouth, I make sure to negate it with lots of physical activities – be it walking, running or biking around where I am; or making use of whatever is around me and turning it into my little version of a gym. Wherever you are, there should never be any reason to not be active. You have no excuse. Make your body as strong as your will. You can do it.

You may find me on Twitter and Instagram @bubblesparaiso

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