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Jackie Zapata wins ‘Fit for Fashion’

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She came, she saw, she conquered.

The 32-year old Filipino American Jackie Zapata from New York City emerged winner of Fit for Fashion Season 2, beating 13 other contestants in a series of grueling fitness and fashion challenges over the course of 10 weeks.

Throughout the season, Fit for Fashion, the first-ever reality TV show that brings together fashion and fitness, helped Jackie cast off her insecurities, transform physically and mentally, and changed her outlook on life.

Jackie Zapata (middle), hugged by finalist Kyle Ramirez (far right), cries tears of joy when announced as Fit for Fashion Season 2 Winner, while fellow finalist Sam Gaskin (right) looks on and applaud.

“I have changed in so many ways. With the help of the experts and the tools provided by Fitness First and ZALORA, I’ve lowered my body fat percentage, changed my composition, and improved my mobility and flexibility. I have abs too… yes, a six pack! When I look in the mirror now, I see a strong, lean, beautiful Jackie. And that gives me confidence to channel my inner fashionista,” Jackie shares.

She came to the show with three objectives – to achieve happiness, health and confidence. Jackie’s determination saw her surpass the 13 other equally tough contestants, fueled by the burning desire to get all the help she needed to pull herself out of her midlife slump.

Jackie recalls several pivotal moments in the show, starting with the elimination night in episode one. “I walked into this competition thinking that I could tackle anything, and do it well the first time around. That evening opened my eyes to how hard and challenging it would be, and made it painfully obvious that I had a lot to learn.  I remember sitting through the critique and criticism feeling scared, defeated, vulnerable, and so very humbled.”

Zapata screams in disbelief when she was announced winner Fit for Fashion Season 2

In her journey to transformation, some of the challenges Jackie and her fellow contestants were put through include climbing a 60-foot rope net, being hoisted up into the air for their very first fashion shoot, overcoming an obstacle course set on a narrow 1000-foot pier, to writing, directing, styling and performing their own fashion film, organizing their own photo shoot with local children, and channeling old Hollywood glamor in a classic black-and-white photo shoot.

Despite the ‘fierceness’ she displayed on the show, Jackie says that “underneath all my fierceness is a deeply-rooted insecurity that has to be explored and painfully uncovered, in order to fix what I came here to fix.” She adds, “I have a new sense of self and shed the old habits that left me stressed, tired and dull. I am finally happy because now, I’m more connected with my mind and body. I dreamed a better life and I am finally here and living it!” The grand prize money of $100,000 courtesy of Fitness First, and a year’s worth of clothing from ZALORA are just icing on the cake.

Riaz Mehta, President & Founder of Imagine Group, says, “Our motto is that we don’t just change bodies but we change lives.  Jackie is a shining example of how Fit for Fashion can help the everyday person. At the start of the season, we promised that Season 2 would be bigger and better – and I believe we’ve delivered just that”.

Simon Flint, CEO of Fitness First Asia concurs, “At the heart of the show’s very premise is that fitness gives you confidence; throughout the ten episodes I am very confident that this was demonstrated consistently by all the contestants. It was a really good feeling to see them embracing their new bodies and coming to realize that with the right kind support, tools and knowledge, it’s all there for the taking. I am proud that through this collaboration we have brought genuinely captivating and motivating stories to millions across the region and hopefully along the way we have sown the seeds of inspiration for viewers to embark on their own transformation journeys using the tools available to them, including our free CustomFit app, and the 10-Week Get Fit workout and nutrition programmes.”

Jackie summarizes her Fit for Fashion journey with a message to everyone, “I was just like you – and now I’m living proof that any regular person can make a change to improve his or her life one day at a time. Start by making a change, believe in yourself and remember the two rules in life: Rule number one: never give up. Rule number two: never forget rule number one.”

For more information on Fit for Fashion and to start your transformation journey with the help of CustomFit 3.0, please visit


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