26.7 C
Friday, March 7, 2025

Stumbling blocks 

The Supreme Court has decided Senator Grace Poe is qualified to run for the presidency. Voting 9-6, the High Court justice overturned two decisions of the Commission on Elections canceling Poe’s Certificate of Candidacy for material misrepresentation with regard to her citizenship and residency. 

The text of the decision has not yet been released, but the mere announcement of the verdict appears enough to sway the race a particular way between now and May 9. Supporters of the senator rejoiced at the decision, and many believe that those who have been withholding financial support during the pendency of the disqualification case will now begin to act. 

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Poe was emotional upon hearing about the decision, just, according to reports, as her car was passing the Quiapo Church. She said the decision was a victory for the poor and the suffering, not just foundlings like herself. 

People can argue no end on whether the justices should have stayed faithful to the letter of the law or interpreted the Constitution liberally as it eventually did. The petitioners to the case can file their motions for reconsideration. For now, however, the matter is settled, Ms. Poe can go full blast on her campaign and her opponents better think about how they can do better given this development. 

In the end, it is completely within the control of the people to decide who they want to lead them for the next six years.

What is more worrisome is whether this decision would accurately be reflected in the results of the elections. 

This week, as well, the Supreme Court ordered the Comelec to issue voter receipt on May 9, in keeping with election law. This ruling prompted an emergency meeting at the Comelec, because it would mean overhauling crucial processes. 

In fact, Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista raised the possibility of postponing the elections on May 9 or reverting to manual mode.

It might help temper the election circus if people stepped back and thought, not about the personalities vying for their attention but the process with which their vote will be counted. Given this, the Comelec must address the  emergency as soon as possible. 

Democracy hinges on bigger things than on whether this or that candidate will be allowed to run.


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