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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Aldub nation hits the stump

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SHOW business showed its persistent influence in national politics as supporters of vice presidential candidate Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos Jr. pushed for the formation of an “AlDub Nation.”

But Marcos, who was startled by the reference to popular noontime comedy skit of actors Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza known as the Alden-Yaya Dub (AlDub) tandem, was quickly told that his supporters were referring to the “Alliance Duterte-Bongbong.”

In his speech at the Apo View Hotel in Davao City, Marcos said, “How did Aldub manage to get here when that is clearly show biz? I just found out that it really means Alyansang Duterte-Bongbong. Thank you to you all.”

More than a thousand supporters of Duterte and Marcos, under the “AlDub” banner attended the “Davao Regional Consultation,” held Saturday in Davao City.

Marcos, who was the special guest and speaker of the consultation, has picked up his bid for vice president and is still now close to overtaking Senator Francis Escudero, who lost two points in the January voter preference poll to 28 percent from 30 percent.

Marcos was second with 25 percent, up six points from 19 percent. 

Taking third spot was Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo of the LP with 17 percent from 19 percent in December, followed by Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano with 14 percent from 17 percent previously. Cayetano is the running mate of Duterte.

UNA vice presidential candidate Gregorio Honasan’s rating stayed at eight percent, while voter preference for Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV dropped from five percent to three percent.


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