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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Richard and Lucy Looking young and fresh

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Married for 17 years now, celebrity couple Richard and Lucy Gomez are still the epitome of perfection – always well put-together and fresh-looking despite the demands of their respective careers and busy schedules.

Tempur recently sat down with one of the country’s beautiful couples to find out the answer to the question most people have been keen on asking: What’s their secret to looking young and fresh all these years? 

Richard and Lucy Gomez are avid Tempur users

Waking up on the right side of the bed

Richard and Lucy have so much to give both individually and as a couple: Richard is a businessman and actor while Lucy serves as Congresswoman of the 4th District of Leyte. However, you’ll never see Richard or Lucy looking harried or stressed.

To this Lucy explains, “Even as we are passionate about what we do, we also value very much the time we spend off our very hectic schedules. It is very important to relax and recharge so that we will always have much of ourselves to give. Getting good quality sleep is very important to us. And my gauge of a good night’s sleep is when I wake up with my skin glowing and my cheeks all pink!”

Growing up in the province, Lucy remembers how as a child she would spend early afternoons napping with her siblings. She fondly calls it a “requisite siesta.”  Richard has had the same experience and was made to sleep during midday so he can play until it was time for dinner. 

But more than just a time to rest, Lucy believes that sleep heals. “Sleep is our body’s way of restoring itself and recovering from the day’s stresses. Nothing can take the place of a good night’s rest,” she says.

Creating a sanctuary for sleep

Having a bedroom that’s conducive for uninterrupted sleep is as equally important as getting the mandatory eight-hour shuteye. Thus it’s no surprise to find Tempur products in the Gomez home.  

Lucy Torres-Gomez loves Tempur

“Our bed and pillow receive us at the end of every day whether we’ve had it good or bad, whether events were happy or sad. It is our refuge. It has to be our happy place, which is why we really do not scrimp on good quality sheets and pillows. Simply put, the real cost of anything is the price divided by the number of times you use it,” explains Lucy. 

For years now, the couple has been avid Tempur users, investing in Tempur pillows, mattresses and beddings, which Lucy says have immensely improved the quality of their sleep. 

“My neck would hurt and there would always be stiffness in my shoulders.  That ended when I found Tempur.  I am addicted to Tempur. I have the pillow that is contoured for when I sleep. Richard, on the other hand, likes his pillow thin so he has a thinner Tempur pillow.  It’s funny because no matter how sleepy we are, we know when our pillows have been interchanged!  Juliana has her own also.  In the car I have the neck pillow at the ready,” she says.

Lucy is also a fan of the Tempur Wedge, which is her favorite companion for nights when she wants to read a good book or work on the laptop while lying in bed. 

One of the couple’s indulgences is getting massages at home, and for that they have the Tempur Ombracio, a special pillow designed to improve breathing while providing comfort and support. 

“Love yourself. You are worth it. Also, going to bed happy and with a very light heart is the secret to waking up the next day with a different glow.”

Tempur is exclusively distributed in the Philippines by Focus Global, Inc..


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