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Monday, June 24, 2024

Sucat privatization on

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The government said the privatization of the decommissioned 850-megawatt Sucat thermal power plant will push through this year.

Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla said the Sucat facility would be privatized “but whoever will take it will keep the site as a power generation site.”

Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. president Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. said the agency was still waiting for the final direction from the Energy Department on the Sucat privatization, “given the ongoing discussion on the power situation.”

Ledesma earlier bared plans to rehabilitate the decommissioned Sucat power plant.  “As to the power plant itself, we are currently evaluating proposals to rehab some units of the plant,” he said.

PSALM plans to rebid the Sucat thermal power plant, after the first auction failed due to allegations of “fake” documents submitted by highest bidder Genetron International Marketing.

The oil-fired power plant, in Sucat, Muntinlupa City, was previously owned by the Manila Electric Co. and acquired by the National Power Corp. in November 1978.


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