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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slang words of today’s youth

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Can’t seem to keep a conversation with someone young or young-ish? Did they, at one point, say something which you were pretty sure was grammatically incorrect or mistakenly used a word or just talked strange English?

The advent of texting and social media paved the way for new ways to communicate: various abbreviations have sprung up, some words have gotten a different meaning, and phrases from memes have become acceptable in regular conversations. 

Update your vocabulary with some of the latest slangs used online and offline: 


Definition: (adv.) Abbreviation of “as fuck”, used to describe something—usually a condition or feeling—that is extreme

How to use: “I am tired af” 


Definition: (adv.) Abbreviation of “right now”, used to describe something that’s happening at the very moment or to suggest urgency

How to use: “We’re having so much fun rn” / “You need to come here rn if you want to join us”


Definition: (adj.) Something that is over the top, too much, or overly dramatic

How to use: “She sews her own wedding dress. She’s so extra!” / “You’re being extra not accepting his apology” 


Definition: (noun) Short for family; used to refer to close friends or squad

How to use: “Let’s match our OOTDs, fam!” / “My fam is going to the club tonight”

It me

Definition: (phrase) Started from a meme that is usually accompanied by a photo or quoted text and is used as punch line to a joke.

Low key

Definition: (adj.) Refers to something that is casual or secret in nature; something that you don’t want many people to know about; guilty pleasure

How to use: “Those two are low key dating” / “I low key listen to Backstreet Boys on the reg”


Definition: (adj.) Someone who is angry, agitated, mean, or upset; bitter about something

How to use: “I am salty because another girl is wearing the same outfit I’m wearing”


Definition: (verb) To dominate something; to be impressive or amusing

How to use: “Pia Wurtzbach slayed again in her latest photoshoot”


Definition: (adj.) Terribly shocked or surprised; something that you can’t believe you’re seeing or experiencing

How to use: “Oh my goodness! Ticket prices to Britney in Manila concert are so expensive. I’m shook!”


Definition: (adj.) Enlightened or socially aware; knowing what’s going on in the community 

How to use: “Stay woke. Millions are still suffering from poverty”


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