27.1 C
Monday, February 17, 2025

Show of force

“Although billed as a Peace Rally ostensibly to call for unity, critics insist there was no mistaking what the rally was really all about”

ONE thing we can say about the Iglesia ni Cristo is that they sure know how to put on a show to make their feelings felt.

From the looks of it, the INC simply allowed the QuadCom hearings to run its course and then boom, a huge rally.

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As estimated by the media, two million people gathered at the Luneta Grandstand and different places throughout the country to participate in a so-called peace rally and the crowd was indeed one for the books.

Although billed as a Peace Rally ostensibly to call for unity, critics insist there was no mistaking what the rally was really all about.

To them, it was simply a political rally called by another name. This was because one big purpose of the rally was to declare the INC’s opposition to the intention of the House of Representatives to impeach VP Sarah Duterte.

If that was not politics, then it is hard to find any other reason.

And as if on cue, the VP from out of nowhere suddenly appeared on TV to thank the INC with newspapers reporting the following day that she is now seriously considering running for president.

Don’t you have that feeling that all of these were part of a script and that the rally was staged to support the politically beleaguered VP?

It would seem the effect of the rally on Congress was immediate because the following day, some members of the House of Representatives were already expressing their disinterest in any impeachment effort before the May midterm elections this year.

Still, two or three impeachment complaints have been filed and those complaints will have to be acted upon.

We know PBBM right from the start said impeachment will not solve anything and he was against and this was reiterated by the Palace in the aftermath of the INC rally. So, let us wait and see what happens next.

As anyone who follows local political developments knows, the political clout of the INC is huge and cannot be ignored.

An example of this is simply to go over our newspapers to read the paid greetings from politicians wishing the Executive Minister of the INC, Eduardo Manalo well on his birthday.

Even our Presidents are the ones paying their call on him and not the other way around. Politicians from all political parties, therefore, cannot simply afford to antagonize the INC.

There is no question the rally unsettled many politicians and obviously got them reevaluating their positions.

Although our political system has what we know as the principle of separation of church and state, our politics does not seem that way.

This is because there are many religious leaders belonging to some Christian denominations trying their best to mix religion and government which is a concept and practice that have been discarded long time ago.

One good example is Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, the self-proclaimed son of god who is running for office even if he is in jail. His campaign slogan is for God and Country. Brother Eddie Villanueva of the Jesus is Lord Church ran for president, senator and is now a Party list representative.

The INC would seem different in that it would rather be a kingmaker rather than be the king. It is a hybrid situation which puts the government in a quandary on how to deal with the situation.

Members of the INC as we know vote as a block as directed by its leaders and therefore can influence the results of national elections and many local elections. It stands to reason that it would be foolhardy for politicians to go against the INC.

Presidential Legal Adviser Juan Ponce Enrile after the rally commented by pointing out that regardless of the INC’s point of view, we are still a country governed by laws that must be followed and respected.

He is right of course, and it would do well for politicians not to ignore his counsel. They should be the first to promote the integrity of our elections so that our elected officials are truly elected freely by the voters and not due to any other outside factors.


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