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Becker team wins Reisinger in Orlando

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Becker team has won the 2016 Reisinger Memorial Trophy in Orlando: Mike Becker, Mike Kamil, Walid Elahmady, Richard Coren, Tarek Sadek and Aubrey Strul.

The Reisinger Memorial Trophy was the main event at the Fall NABC (North American Bridge Championships, held in Orlando (Florida, US) from November 24 to December 4, 2016


I feature from the World Bridge Federation by Mark Horton

Hommage a Patrick Jourdain

In one of the early Bulletins we reproduced a story by Patrick Jourdain entitled ‘Keep Losers, throw Winners’. If you want proof that reading the Bulletin can seriously improve your IMPs look no further than this deal from session four of the Women’s final between France and USA.

Board 30                    North

Dealer East                ♠Q1097

None Vul.                   ♥95                                                               



West                                                            East

♠AK86                                                         ♠J5

♥10864                                                       ♥KQ

♦QJ3                                                            ♦K985

♣93                                                               ♣AJ1052






In the Closed Room EW stopped in 1NT, scoring eight tricks, +120.

Open Room

West         North         East                 South

Reess       Palmer       Zochowska     Shi

–                 –                  1NT                 Pass

2♣*            Pass          2♦*                   Pass

3NT           All Pass

South led the three of hearts and declarer won with the queen and played a diamond to dummy’s jack. When it held she played the three of clubs to the jack. A diamond went to the queen and declarer exited with a diamond to South’s ace. Back came the two of spades perfect, but now  North went wrong by returning a spade. (The winning defence is to play a heart, when South must win and play a second spade.) Declarer won with the jack, to reach this position:






West                                                                     East

♠AK                                                                       ♠-

♥1086                                                                   ♥K

♦-                                                                            ♦8

♣9                                                                          ♣A1052






At this point declarer cashed the eight of diamonds and pitched a heart from dummy. She followed that by cashing the ace of clubs and exiting with the king of hearts, but South took the rest for two down,-100 and 6 IMPs to the USA.

All declarer had to do was throw one of dummy’s winning spades on the eight of diamonds. After cashing the ace of clubs she exits with the king of hearts and South can choose her poison, If she wins she will have to surrender the last two tricks to dummy, but if she ducks declarer changes tack and exits with a club, forcing North to lead a spade to dummy’s ace at trick thirteen.

Yeh Online Bridge World Cup comes to a close

So the First Yeh Online Bridge World Cup has ended- but it heralds the start of a new chapter in the great history of bridge. Our congratulations go to the winning team, Lavazza: Norberto Bocchi, Emanuela Lavazza, Bénédicte Cronier, Giorgio Duboin, Agustin Madala, Sylvie Willard, and Maria Teresa Lavazza (NPC).

The concept of the tournament was to showcase bridge as a modern game, pure, using all the technology available to promote a dynamic image, and attract as much media attention as possible.

Each venue provided great interest and there was some great bridge. I should especially mention the Beijieng heat, where two teams were playing in an amazing setup created and supported by OurGame and where our patner, Mr. Chen Yeh was welcomed.

Seven (7) hours time difference on one side, 8 the other side, 15 in total and still we gathered altogether for the good of bridge, including Bill Gates, our best ambassador for worldwide bridge, Mr. Guo Jinlong who was the biggest World Mind Sports Games, Mr. Giuseppe Lavazza who is one of the strongest supporters of bridge that we have.

After the event Bill gates tweeted: “This morning I played in the first-ever online @BridgeWorldCup. I hope this draws more people to the card game. I love playing.”

Comments to: sylvia.alejandro@yahoo


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